Muhaddisa Ali is working towards completing their BFA in graphic design at RISD. They are interested in the intersection of humanity and design. Currently a Design Director at Brown Political Review. Previously at FARRYNHEIGHT.

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Muhaddisa Ali is a current student at Rhode Island School of Design working towards completing their BFA in graphic design. They are interested in finding and translating human emotions and experiences in their work.

Design Studio III

Emotional articulation is the ability to express our feelings and emotions with words that allows us to experience relief. We carry so much trauma, so many burdens, and so much heaviness with us and find ourselves ina world with not enough time or importance given to taking the time to deal with and recover from them. Finding a way to process some of those heavy feelings can help us navigate and heal from difficult experiences.

In this animation, the healing effects of processing and articulating difficult emotions is explored through the act of journalling on your phone to quickly find relief from distressing situations and their subsequent emotions.


Creative Direction

Motion Graphics